I-9 Retention
Core values
Value statement
Matrix structure
H1-B Visa
Assessment center
In basket activities
Closed shop/open shop/agency shop/union shop
Behavioral/situational. directive/non-directive/stress interview questionnaires
Ways to measure reliability
Different types of validity
Who established that all assessment/methods need to be reliable and valid?
Reasonable accommodations
Essential functions
Specialization/Division of Labor/Simplification
Departmentalization: Functional/Divisional/Matrix
Span of control
Regression Analysis
Porter 3 Grand Strategies (generic strategies): Cost leadership, differentiation, focus strategy
Difference between mergers and acquisitions
Organizations’ objectives of mergers and acquistions
HR’s role with merger and acquisitions: Due diligence and plan integration – Explain the difference
Job Analysis/how are they performed/objectives of job analysys
Job Evaluation/methods of job evaluations
Ranking job evaluation, advantages and disadvantages
Affirmative action plans
Goals versus Quotas
Reverse Discrimination
EAP and confidentiality
ROI – formula
OSHA General Duty Clause
Liability without fault
OSHA 300 Log
OSHA’s concern with recognition and incentives programs
GANTT Charts versus PERT Chart
3 Influential contributors to the TQM methodology
Progressive Discipline
Aptitude tests versus cognitive tests
Participative Performance evaluation:__________
Kirkpatrick’s 4 levels of evaluation and methods used to gather data for each level
Most learning occurs on the job or off the job
360-degree feedback
The most widely used method of performance evaluation is ____________
RJP – Realistic Job Preview
Insider Trading
Who are “Whistleblowers” – what is HR’s role with whistleblowers
Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act – what does it do?
5 protected categories under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964
Difference between Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Civil Rights Act of 1991
OWBPA – Older Workers Benefit Protection Act
COBRA – Qualifying events – maximum pay is _______%, when the employee can keep COBRA up to 18 months, up to 24 months, up to 29 months and up to 36 months – when COBRA can be terminated
FMLA – employee’s eligibility requirements & who is a “covered employer”?
FMLA timing requirements: How many days to provide the forms to employees, which forms, how many days to have the certification returned to the employer, how many days to have employee/MD “cure deficiencies”, how many days to provide “designation form”.
Compa Ratio and how to calculate it
ADR – Alternative Dispute Resolutions
Difference between Mediation and Arbitration
Why are non-compete agreements used? are they indefinitely?
Difference between job posting and job bidding
Difference between job enlargement and job enrichment
Difference between the ZBB – Zero Based Budget and the Incremental Budget
What does “SMART” objectives stand for?
Difference between Balance sheet and Income statement
Blended Training
Vestibule Training
Succession Planning
Dual Career Ladders
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs – what are the levels
Options to handle Forms I-9 during a merger or acquisition
When do we conduct a credit history check? a motor vehicle check?
Cafeteria Plans
Are telecommuters covered by OSHA?
Executive Order 11246
Green Circle Rate versus Red Circle Rate
Employment Branding – why is important
Employee Engagement – why is important
Employee Involvement – why is important
Intrinsic versus extrinsic motivation
Internal equity versus external equity
Outsourcing – what is it? Why is used? Advantages and disadvantages? Which HR functions can be outsourced and which should not? Steps in the Outsourcing process?
Right to work states versus At-will employment
The most common exceptions to the at-will employment
Roth IRA – before taxes or after taxes
Qualified versus Non-Qualified plans
Difference between Defined benefit versus Defined contribution
Difference between Cliff vesting and graded vesting
When is am employee’s contribution 100% vested?
Blackout periods
Stop-Loss Coverage
Fiduciary Responsibility
Business Continuity and Emergency Preparedness Plan
Disparate/Adverse Impact versus Disparate/Adverse Treatment
Constructive Discharge
Retaliatory Discharge
Negligent hiring – best way to avoid a negligent hiring claim
Vicarious liability
Yellow Dog contracts
Weingarten rights
Employer ULP’s (unfair labor practices)
Union ULP’s
Excelsior list
Percentage to win a union election
Percentage for the union to petition an election to the NLRB
Difference between Certification versus Decertification
Management Prerogatives